Leading OB/GYN clinic in Snellville, GA

Established over 45 years ago, you can rest assured knowing your care is in the hands of a highly trained yet empathetic team of women doctors.


We value every patient and strive to take care of our patients during their pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum.


We have been offering a wide range of gynecologic services at Gwinnett OB-GYN to women in our community for over 30 years.

Our Providers

Team of board certified physicians and nurse practitioners.
Dr. Hamidi Headshot

Haleh P. Hamidi, M.D.

Dr. Johnson Headshot 2025

Traci C. Johnson, M.D.

Dr. Bim Headshot

Bimbola Arotiba, M.D.

Dr. Iloabuchi Headshot 2

Ujuka Iloabuchi, M.D.

Dr. Anna Carter Headshot

Anna Carter, M.D.

Dr. Jasmine Marshall Headshot

Jasmine Marshall, M.D.

Laura Bono Headshot

Laura Bono, RNC, WHNP


Hannah Reid, FNP

What makes our gynecological and obstetrical practice unique?

As the leading OB/GYN clinic in Snellville, GA, Gwinnett OB/GYN strives to continually offer every patient the best obstetrical and gynecological services. 

Established over 45 years ago, you can rest assured knowing your care is in the hands of a highly trained yet empathetic team of women doctors.

From your first gynecology visit, to all your prenatal appointments, your menopause treatments, and everything in between, our caring doctors will be there to guide you through every step of the way. At Gwinnett OB/GYN, we strive to make every OB/GYN visit with us a calming and pleasant experience.

To ensure we offer the most comprehensive services, our OB/GYN clinic houses the most advanced 3D and 4D ultrasound imaging technology so you can have a clear sneak peek of your little one.

We also perform various laboratory exams and consider your medical history to devise a personalized infertility treatment plan that works best for you. Our caring team can answer all your questions and clarifications about the results to ensure your mind is at ease. You can rest assured that we’ll create a care plan according to your results for the best outcome.

We also offer numerous procedures, including sonohysterography, endometrial biopsy, colposcopy, and more, to ensure we cater to all your women’s health needs. To ensure maximum comfort, we make every effort to create a relaxed environment for all our patients.

Although not needed by all moms-to-be, fetal testing is necessary for some, which is why we offer it at our OB/GYN clinic. The choice is entirely up to you, and we only advise genetic testing when it could potentially affect your prenatal care; we provide fetal testing for expectant mothers if necessary to ensure the best and safest care plan.

At Gwinnett OB/GYN, we aim to empower women and provide warm, comprehensive, and accessible care to all women in and near the Atlanta area. By offering complete and personalized care to our patients, we ensure every patient receives no less than the best care in Snellville.

Choosing Gwinnett OB/GYN is choosing a gynecologist with a team of extensively experienced yet empathetic professionals. For all your obstetrical and gynecology needs, know that Gwinnett OB/GYN is here for you.

What our patients are saying


Accepted insurance plans

Office Policies

  • Only ONE support person over the age of 18 is allowed to attend a visit with the patient.
  • Newborns are allowed at post-partum visit only. Otherwise, no children are allowed.
  • All patients & visitors should be healthy. Please do not visit if you are sick, have flu or cold-like symptoms, or any other illness.

We ask that you cancel and/or reschedule appointments at least 24 hours in advance so that we may give that time to someone else.

Masks are optional for patients who are fully vaccinated. Please do not visit if you are sick, have flu or cold-like symptoms, or any other illness.
For the protection of patients and staff privacy, photography, video, and audio recording are strictly prohibited without expressed permission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contraceptive needs vary among women. Hence, while we have a long list of options—from temporary to permanent—we encourage you to consult your doctor closely to make the best choice. That’s because your contraceptive choice relies on your current and future childbearing goals. If, for instance, you are no longer interested in conceiving a child, permanent options offer a convenient, one-time contraceptive solution. On the other hand, if you are only looking for a contraceptive solution for a short-term period, you can look at options such as intrauterine devices, patches, injectables, or oral contraceptives.
Contrary to what most people think, you need about two ultrasounds during pregnancy, but you could have more if needed. The first ultrasound we conduct is done in the first phase of pregnancy to confirm your due date; hence it is called the dating ultrasound. The second one, or the anatomy ultrasound, is done at around 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. This second ultrasound is meant to visualize your baby’s anatomy, ensuring all parts develop well; it also lets you know if you are having a boy or a girl if you’re interested in knowing. For patients with a specific medical history and who are going through more complex pregnancies, more frequent ultrasounds may be needed to keep a close eye on the mother and baby’s health. Should a more frequent schedule be required, we will discuss it openly.
We usually recommend annual visits to your gynecologist. During these visits, you will undergo complete physical exams, including breast check and pap smear tests . Additionally, we will discuss any health issues you’ve had over the past year. If you have any problems and want to address them during the visit, we will focus on resolving them and discussing the next steps as needed.
We usually recommend that you come once you confirm your pregnancy. Once it’s confirmed, immediately contact your OBGYN and schedule an appointment. The first visit is ideally between six to eight weeks. During this time, we ensure that the first or dating ultrasound is done, discuss any issues you’d like to clarify with your doctor, and outline the next steps you can expect during your pregnancy. We’ll also do some lab and physical exams focusing on pregnancy needs.
All expecting mothers will undergo a test for gestational diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks with a sugar test. This test involves drinking a sugary drink and waiting an hour before taking your blood sugar. However, certain factors that increase your risk for gestational diabetes might require you to take the test earlier. These factors include obesity, previously giving birth to a child that’s over nine pounds at delivery, or multiple gestations (twins or triplets). If this is the case, we’ll usually test during the first trimester and again in the 24th to 28th week if you pass the first test.

You can call us anytime if you have any questions about labor that you want to clarify. However, some urgent cases that you must bring to our immediate attention include:

  • Contractions lasting at least one minute and occur every five minutes for an hour.
  • You’ve broken your water or a feeling of a sudden gush of fluid or a constant trickle, even if you’re not having contractions.
  • Any bleeding, especially if it is bright red or looks like your period bleed.

Weight gain is a normal and necessary phenomenon during pregnancy. Many women don’t experience weight gain in the first trimester but will need to gain some weight to support the growth and development of the baby.

Through regular check-ups and consultations, your OBGYN will guide you through the necessary weight recommendations during this period. These recommendations will highly depend on your weight at the start of the pregnancy, but as a general rule, you should gain:

  • a total of 25 to 35 lbs if you are of normal weight;
  • a total of 25 to 40 lbs if you are underweight, and;
  • a total of 10 to 20 lbs if you are overweight.

It’s essential to follow these guidelines, as there may be consequences if you exceed or fall short of these recommendations for weight gain. 

Menopausal symptoms usually begin before the final menstrual cycle, which is upwards of four years prior and can last another four to five years after.

The most common symptoms you’ll experience are:

  • Hot flashes (occurs in 80% of women)
  • Night sweats 
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Moodiness, and;
  • Short-term memory loss

Menopause symptoms don’t last forever. You can turn to herbal supplements to help manage these and even explore hormone replacement therapy with your OBGYN. In the latter’s case, consult your OBGYN closely regarding the benefits and risks.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop when the follicle holding unreleased eggs enlarges and forms a cyst. This is a common experience for many women, and it’s important to know that most ovarian cysts are benign (called functional ovarian cysts).

However, it’s important to note that different cysts can develop in the ovaries. While ovarian cysts rarely become concerning, dermoid cysts (cysts filled with varying types of tissue) can either be benign or cancerous.

Your doctor may also have to account for other variances. If we identify any ovarian cysts, we will usually follow up on your care with ultrasound and bloodwork so that we can map out the appropriate next steps.

We generally conduct Pap smear tests annually for yearly check-ups, and Pap smear tests begin at 21 years old.

These tests are done routinely to ensure your overall reproductive health and are a pillar in the early detection and treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV). Vigilance in spotting this condition is essential as it can progress to cervical cancer if left untreated.

At Gwinnett OBGYN Associates, we ensure that any abnormal Pap smear test results are discussed openly with you and kept confidential. We will also take prompt and effective action to treat you and achieve the best health outcomes.